Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just 15 more days

I had a crazy day at work and it was because of some of my bad habits which I forgot to list on that little quiz. Better late than never (of course procrastination is one of my bad habits.)

1. Unorganized
2. Bad at communicating details
3. Procrastinator
4. High highs and Low Lows
5. Being to hard on myself and then getting in more of a funk

this is a bummer post, just pray for me to get through the next two days, I have two concerts one Thursday and another Friday. I have the weekend to recoup and then I do it all again next week.

oh by the way, i didn't realize my email wasn't showing in my profile so if you want to know my email, it's

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting to Know you

It's so cheesy but that song from "The King and I" is running through my head. So sorry it's been a while since I blogged, life is moving too fast. I'm moving (not very far to a cottage behind my parents main house) and I have spring concerts happening (6 to be exact) and it's just not letting up for a while yet. I should be a little calmer around June 4th last day of school (yeah!!). I thought it was really cool to find out things about my cousins through this little quiz and I wasn't really invited to join but I'm going to bust my way out into the fun anyway.

10 Years ago I was:
in 11th grade dating a college guy and thinking I was too cool for school

5 years ago I was:
In college at Evangel University in Springfield, MO having the time of my life. (but believe me I'm paying for it now, literally)

1 year ago I was:
About to finish my first year of teaching elementary music and praying to God every day that I would make it just a few more weeks to the end of school. (I was way too nice to kids then)

5 things on my to do list today:
1. teach piano lessons after school
2. clean up at the old house
3. move some more into my new place
4. Hang out with the cutest little baby in the world (Symphony and Joy are visiting)
5. Get ready for spring concerts by cutting out cardboard cookies, making a pretend pet shop for the stage and finding frog decorations (different concerts, different schools - otherwise would look very silly together)

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. pickles
2. chipotle chips and and salsa
3. Hershey's chocolate (kisses, bar, reeses, etc.)
4. starbucks frap (java chip no whip :)
5. breyer's vanilla ice cream (walnuts and hershey's syrup)

If I were a billionaire:
1. Tithe 10%
2. I would pay off my debts and my immediate family's
3. Buy a farmette (MD) and a beach house on a secluded part of the Gulf
4. Go off the grid by providing all my own energy and food needs
5. Invest my money and enjoy a philanthropic lifestyle

5 places I've lived:
1. Lakeland, FL
2. Quantico, VA
3. Jacksonville, FL
4. Hagerstown, MD
5. Springfield, MO

5 Jobs I've had:
1. Mail Processor
2. Nanny (twice)
3. Intern at Springfield Regional Arts Council
4. Assistant to the Director of Authentic Community Theatre
5. Elementary Music Teacher Band/General

5 people I would like to know better:
1. Elizabeth
2. Ashleigh
3. April
4. Emily
5. Joel

That's all folks.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Perfect Weekend

Hope everyone had a fun and relaxing weekend, I couldn't have asked for a better one. I'll give you a play by play:

Friday right after school: went to help my new roommate back up some stuff (Harmony, Christina and I will be moving into a cottage behind my parents house the first of May)

Dinner at Chipotle

Watched "There Will Be Blood" enjoyed it but didn't like that way Christians were potrayed in this Academy Award winning movie. Daniel Day-Lewis is a great actor though.

Saturday - got my wheel barrel fixed, worked in the yard, cleaned up the back porch, went kayaking in the creek by my house, made a bonfire and had smores, ate good meals with friends and family breakfast, lunch and dinner

Sunday - church, went out to lunch with family, went to the library, took a nap, my cousin Lauryn, her husband Shane and little Riley came over for dinner, played badminton, read some of my library books

I'm okay with it ending though, If all days were this good I would not appreciate them as much. I would put up pictures but I still suck at getting them uploaded, it takes me forever.

This weekend was all about Friends and Family. I love sharing life with them. This is an open invitation for any friends or family to come out to our house. We've lived here a year and half and we are still discovering the joys of our outdoor space. We have kayaks and a boat, basketball and volleyball court and a city park for grilling in our front yard and fishing off the stone bridge is very fun as well.

Have a great week everybody!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Cartoon Just for Me!

When I was little there was a character like "Hello Kitty" Called "My Melody" and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Apparently this character is still popular in Japan, she's changed some, she used to be just a cute bunny but now she's more manga-ish. Anway, I found her on youtube and it's kind of interesting. I like the way they say "My Melody". I've never posted a video, I hope this works. Actually, it didn't........but here is the link anyway, if you know how to do it, maybe someone could fill me in. Thanks

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who knew?

What a time of discovery I've had the past few weeks. I think it all started with the Crown Financial class I took a few months ago about being a good steward of everything God has entrusted me with and I've just ran with that concept. I'm trying to be a good steward of my time, money, food, possessions, relationships, it just encompasses anything that touches my life. It's really exciting to look at the world from this new perspective. I've made quite a few changes already and I have many more to go, it's been a lot of research, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Here's a list of what I've done so far:

1. Started recycling - reduce, reuse, recycle
2. Eating more locally - joined a CSA and buy other things like eggs and meat local as well
3. Spending more time with my Family
4. Started composting
5. Reading through the Bible in 90 days... well maybe a little longer :)
6. Buy used instead of new when at all possible
7. Hanging clothes on the line instead of the dryer

It's been challenging to find new ways to do things, but also rewarding. I feel like I'm connecting the dots when I do things with thought behind them. In our "I want it now" way of life it has a way of passing you buy without realizing it and it has been refreshing to get the root and/or natural way of doing things. Anway, I'm blabbering, of course I always try to do everything I've mentioned (but I'm not perfect by any means). I realize that this will have to be a gradually lifestyle change but I will definitely enjoy learning a little bit more each day.

Here are some pics my sister took today including one of my fabulous new galoshes! (yes new, I had a moment of weakness)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Growing up is hard.......but not impossible

After many comments from friends and family to put another blog up I've finally given in to the pressure. When I started my blog last fall, I knew I was going somewhere with the title "Growin' up is hard to do" but it took a while for me to process why I thought that and where I was going with the idea.

I'm beginning to understand that the reason I feel growing up is so hard is because there are so many unspoken rules I can't even try to formulate them all right now, that will come with time. Each time I blog I want to share some new piece of knowledge I've learned that is helping me on my path to "growing up" (which coincidentally I think I will be on my entire life). If it helps anyone great, if not at least I've written it down so I won't forget it.

The subject that is rattling around my brain most right now is finances. Tonight I completed a 10 Week Bible Study written by Crown Financial. I took it at my church and the purpose of the class was to understand Gods way of handling money and apply it to my own life. I guess the main idea is that all money is God's and my job is to be a good steward with everything He intrusted in my care.

If you are interested in the class, I highly recommend it. If you want to check it out more you can go to and get more information. After you take the class, you can get certified to teach a small group which I'm doing soon.

Even though I still have a lot of things to figure out, at least I can cross money concerns off this list because if I just stick to Crown's advice I will be in good shape the rest of my life and I can rest easy knowing that God would be pleased with how I'm handling His money.

I guess that's it for now. Hopefully I'll write again soon.


"Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the Ruler of all mankind; your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength" (I Chronicles 29:11-12, TLB)